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Equinox Sunrise Table
Estimating Longitude using Sunrise Times on the Spring Equinox

  • These sunrise times are a clue to the approximate longitude of each site. Print this page and use with today's Mystery Class GMT Worksheet.

  • This table shows the time the sun rose at each Mystery location on the Spring Equinox. The time shown is NOT the local time. Rather, the time in Greenwich, England. This is known as Greenwich Mean Time or "GMT".

  • Why are dates included? If the MC SUNRISE IN GMT is earlier than the 3/20 sunrise in Greenwich (06:02 AM), then the location of the Mystery Class will be in the EASTERN HEMISPHERE, east of Greenwich. If the MC SUNRISE IN GMT is later than the 3/20 sunrise in Greenwich, then the location of the Mystery Class will be in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE, west of Greenwich. That is why we have included the dates along with the GMT. The worksheet walks you through these calculations.

Mystery Class Sunrise GMT (Date)

# 1

09:56 (3/20)


# 2

01:26 (3/20)


# 3

12:43 (3/20)


# 4

11:16 (3/20)


# 5

05:20 (3/20)


# 6

20:20 (3/19)


# 7

09:54 (3/20)


# 8

18:55 (3/19)


# 9

05:46 (3/20)


# 10

16:46 (3/20)

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