Gray Whale Gray Whale
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Gray Whale Migration Route
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Santa Barbara Channel Marine Life

A Gray Whale was seen off of Leadbetter Beach in Santa Barbara that was staying in the area, coming up about every 10 minutes in different directions. At one point, it came within about 50 yards of the boat.

Three Gray Whales were seen south of Goleta Point that were taking 15-minute dives! They surfaced four times between 10:50 ó 11:30AM and were hard to track. We saw a Sea Lion play with them during one surfacing.

Two Gray Whales were seen in about 65 feet of water off of the Santa Barbara Coast. Both had barnacles on them and we got to see the ridges on the neck of one as it dove.

There was a small juvenile Gray Whale traveling by itself. It just barely broke the surface about 100 yards away, so we didnít see much spout.

We got to see one Gray Whale, about half a mile off of UC Santa Barbara, breech! It breached twice for us and then real quietly went back into the water. After that we just saw the whale come up to the surface a few times and that was it.

We saw two Gray Whales that were swimming fast, but stopping to feed. We could tell that they were feeding because of the bubbles that were coming up from the ocean.

There was an adult and a calf that were friendly with us and at ease that we were watching them. There were several blows and dikes from the Gray Whales who were hanging out in the nearby kelp.

I saw one adult and perhaps one calf feeding near the shoreline, doing shallow dives. They were heading northwest along the shore near the University California of Santa Barbara.

East of Goleta Pier, on an excellent visible, sunny day, we saw a Gray Whale. It looked like a juvenile that would surface quietly, but then spouted a little while it was at the surface. There was no fluke display while up on the surface. The Gray Whale swam nearly to Goleta Pier before turning to go around Goleta Point and on to continue the journey.

A Gray Whale was seen 100 yards off University California of Santa Barbara with a Sea Otter in the kelp nearby. The whale stayed close to the surface with no visible blows. The whale looked like a juvenile.

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