New England Aquarium, March 30, 2001
The last whales seen down south were sighted on consecutive days last weekend, at the north end of our survey area, making steady progress to the north. These two mother/calf pairs will be navigating some tough areas going back to New England, including the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, near the beach where a ship-killed calf stranded two weeks ago. This male calf was already 25' long, probably 7'-8' longer than when it was born less than 4 months ago. Amazing. Hate to lose such a robust addition to the species. That leaves us with 24 moms and calves, eventually bound for the Bay of Fundy. It should be a wild summer there. Counting calves, more than 62 right whales were identified in our little patch of water, including all but one of this year's 26 newborns. That's almost cause for celebration, which reminds me, I'd better get on down the road. Chris Slay By the way, we now have a calf count of 26, minus the one mortality." Copyright 2001 Journey North. All Rights Reserved. Please send all questions, comments, and suggestions to our feedback form