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Example One

Step # 1
Mystery Class #3's sunrise time is given as 10:28 (GMT) on March 20. This means it is morning in Greenwich when the sun rises at this site.

10:28 A.M. (3/20)
Step # 2
Sunrise time at Greenwich on March 20 is 06:04 A.M.

06:04 A.M. (3/20)
Step # 3
The number of hours and minutes between A and B is 4 hours and 24 minutes

4 hrs 24 min
Step # 4
Convert the amount of time in Box C into minutes by multiplying the hours by 60 and adding the remaining minutes ( 4 x 60 = 240 + 24 = 264 minutes)

264 minutes
Step # 5
Figure out the degrees away from Greenwich by dividing the minutes in Box D by 4 ( 264 divided by 4 = 66.00 degrees)

66.00 degrees
Step # 6
Eastern or Western Hemisphere?
To determine the site's approximate longitude you need to know if it is in the Eastern or Western Hemisphere (i.e East or West of Greenwich, which is 0 degrees). Here, 10:28 A.M. on 3/20 was later than 06:04 A.M. on 3/20, so this longitude location is West. This means the site is west of Greenwich, in the Western Hemisphere.

66.00 W

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