Fall 2015
How does changing daylight affect plants and animals?
Journey North | Sunlight and Seasons
Journey North | Sunlight and Seasons
Edith Antl

Daylight Monthly

Report on the 20th of every month and on the Equinox and Solstice.

Signs of Fall
Report your signs of fall.

Equinox: September 23 October 20
Today is the Equinox! Are days and nights equal everywhere on Earth? The seasons change as the Earth revolves around the Sun. All the natural world is affected.
Journey North | Sunlight and Seasons
John Doerper

Journey North | Sunlight and Seasons
Elizabeth Howard

Monthly Updates
September - December

November 20 Solstice: December 22  
Short-distance migrants and other songbirds breeding in the north, show up during colder months. Today Is the winter solstice. Is it your shortest day of the year?  



Archived Seasons
Fall 2014
Spring 2015