Personality/History Migration Training: Introduced to the trike at 7 days. Received 7 hrs & 5 min. of aircraft conditioning while at PWRC. Was often a "jerk" in his small group but got clobbered when he picked on the older 402, who then proved HE was boss. History:
Fall 2005: Cooler temperatures at the end of August prompted some early autumn staging/pre-migratory activity, and the three birds moved from Necedah NWR to Morrison County in central Minnesota. They were seen there on several dates up to Nov. 9. They were next sighted Nov. 22 in Washington County, Indiana—on migration! They were using the shallow edge of a lake and foraging in a harvested cornfield next to the lake. They roosted near Hiwassee NWR in TN on Nov. 24. On Nov. 24 they were in Sumter County, GA. On Nov. 30, cranes #401, 407, and 408 completed migration when they arrived at the Florida pen site. They soon moved on to other nearby areas. Spring 2006: Still with #401 and #408, he left Madison County, Florida, and flew into Georgia on March 9. They completed migration to Wisconsin's Necedah NWR March 20. He must like Minnesota, because he and the younger #508 moved there the end of August. A PTT reading for #508 on the night of 8 September 8 indicated that r #508 and #407 were in the southeastern MINNESOTA area where #407 had been at the same time last year (2005). They later moved to Marathon County, Wisconsin, where they hung out with a flock of sandhill cranes. Fall 2006: Remained in Central Wisconsin with mate #508 until late November. Was not seen after November 29 in Marathon County, Wisconsin. He has a nonfunctional transmitter and cannot be tracked. Then on Dec. 28 he was seen in Pasco County, Florida. He hung out with #309, #520 and sandhill cranes. Spring 2007: Began migration from Alachua County, FL on March 19 (with female #309, with whom he paired with early in the winter). Her PTT readings indicated they separated on or before their stop in Indiana on March 23 or 24. Crane #407 was back at the Necedah NWR in Wisconsin on March 29, alone. He was apparently unable to convince the wayward female to follow him back to the right place! Crane
#407 died before
summer's end. On September 13, 2007, the decomposed but otherwise
intact carcass of #407 was found in dry sedge marsh at his Wisconsin
territory on northeastern
Meadow Valley Flowage. Tracking data indicated that death probably
occurred during August 29-31. Last updated: 9/15/07 Back to "Meet the Flock 2004"