Personality and History Migration Training: Introduced to the trike at 9 days of age. Received 7 hrs & 37 min. of aircraft conditioning while at Patuxent WRC. He's had an odd gait from the beginning, and limps when speeding, but tries hard to keep up. Stubborn! He was a problem flyer who kept turning back or dropping out during training. Pilots left him all alone for 2 nights after his cohort 2 moved to cohort 3's site. After that, he willingly followed the ultralight over to join his flock mates. On Sept. 15, he flew a training session with the "two little girls" (#419 & 420). He liked flying with them so much that he stopped dropping out! Kind of an underdog. Dropped out and crated to the next stopover on day 15, along with 419 and 420. History: On April 27 they completed migration to Necedah NWR, then flew to nearby Yellow River Cranberry, just east of the Refuge. On May 10 the remains of yearling #414 were found below the south reservoir of Yellow River Cranberry, Juneau County. He had apparently been roosting with #401, #407 and #408 in a small pool surrounded by vegetative cover on the night of May 2. He is believed to have been killed by a large predator there during that night. Last updated: 07/28/05 Back to "Meet the Flock 2004"