Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane

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November 8, 2005
Migration Day 26
Checking on the birds.
Photo Operation Migration

More Waiting
+0 Miles

Well, it's the same story today: WINDS. The team doesn't know if they even expect to go tomorrow morning! From the Morgan County, IN pen site, Mark Nipper reports: "The birds are doing fine out in their pen. If we have to be down, this is a great place for us to be down. The birds are in a secure place and we do not have to worry much about any trouble at the pen. Now we just need to find stuff to do."

Track the Migration

Use our map or make your own with this migration data.

(Click map to enlarge.)

Keep a Migration Journal

Today's Question: The four direct autumn release (DAR) chicks joined into the sandhill/whooping crane flocks at Necedah NWR and nearby areas. So far, none of the 45 adults in the Eastern Flock have begun migration. When do you predict the first departure? What makes you think the Dar chicks will follow the older cranes to learn their migration route to Florida?

Record Keeping: How many no-fly days have you tallied so far?


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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