Whooping Crane
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November 10, 2005
Migration Day 28

Farewell, #526.
Photo Operation Migration

More Wind and A Sad Loss
+0 Miles

It is a black day indeed. Finally a high pressure system moved into the area, bringing winds from the right direction. Alas, the pilots took a test flight but the winds were too strong. By tomorrow the weather system will have moved east. Once again the team and birds will be on the wrong side, facing headwinds again. How many more delays in Morgan County?

But that's not all. While checking the birds in the pen around 4:30 yesterday, the team was stunned to find the youngest chick dead. Read more details on #526's life story page. Chick #526 had not missed a single leg (flight) of the migration. Joe Duff said, "He was large, healthy and impressive, and he will be missed."

Today the team let the birds out of their travel pen. They walked the birds off to an isolated spot so they could move the pen to a fresh site on the 8th day in this location. The pen is clean again, and exercise and change of scene will keep the birds from getting bored and crabby. The team doesn't want them fighting with each other. They also gave the crane-kids a pumpkin to play with. Joe said, "Visiting the pen more often won't help as they sometimes compete for our attention. We will just do the best we can and hope the weather improves --- soon."

Yearling Cranes Start Migration!
Here's some good news: The 2005 fall migration began yesterday for some of last year's ultralight-led chicks! Yearlings #402, #403, #412, #416 and #417 were the first to leave Wisconsin on their fall migration. They made it all the way to Indiana! Yearling females #419 and #420 also left yesterday. They were ahead of the five males and roosted someplace in southeastern Indiana. GO CRANES!

Track the Migration

Use our map or make your own with this migration data.

(Click map to enlarge.)

Keep a Migration Journal

Today's Questions:
1. The team is sad to lose a good bird. What actions today showed their good care for the birds?

2. Write about something that was in your life once, but isn't anymore. who or what is it? Do you miss it? How does it feel to think about it now.

History: Project Leader Joe Duff said this about whooping crane losses in the 5 years of ultralight-led migrations: "We have lost 5 birds to bobcats,  three collided with our aircraft and two hit power lines and last night we lost 526 in the pen, possibly to aggression. But the most disheartening were the two that have been shot since this project began." To learn more, see the archives. When you click on the year, you'll get links to "Meet the Flock." Every Eastern crane's life story is found on these charts.



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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