Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane

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November 27, 2005
Migration Day 45

Which is the whooper?
Operation Migration

No Progress Today
+0 Miles

It's another weather delay at Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge for the second morning. Strong headwinds (20-22 mph) are the reason. They've come 692.1 statute miles, and this halfway mark is a great place to rest.

This refuge hosts thousands of migratory birds besides the 19 ultralight-led chicks in their pen. Wild and free among sandhill cranes are three of the DAR whooper chicks. Also here are many of the older whoopers that learned this route from the ultralights on their first journey south. With no help from humans or ultralights, they had a swift trip from Wisconsin to Tennessee. DAR chicks #533, #532, and #528 made it in just two days! Does that seem strange to you?

If you live close to Hiwassee NWR, keep an eye on the weather. You have a rare chance to see these wonderful birds on the day they depart. Check here, or at the Operation Migration web site, for the latest news.

Track the Migration

Use our map or make your own with this migration data.

(Click map to enlarge.)

Keep a Migration Journal

Today's Question: Why do you think the wild whoopers travel so much faster than the ultralight-led whoopers? HINT: Think about. . .

—the BIGGEST reason why the pilots fly (or don't fly) each day.
— the conditions necessary for the ultralights to fly safely.
—what chicks making their first migration do NOT know but must learn.

• Record Keeping: In past migrations, how many days did it take to reach the halfway point at Hiwassee? (Count the days on this chart prepared by Operation Migration.)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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