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"Just Plain Nasty" (+0 Miles)
November 15, 2006: Migration Day 42

That's how Bev described the weather today when she called in the no-fly news. Unless there is a change in the weather forecast for Morgan County, Indiana, it may be 3 more days before there is a a chance to fly. At least it's not snow, which is what the cranes still in Wisconsin have!

Direct-release (DAR) chicks #26-06 and 28-06 are with staging sandhill cranes in Jackson County, Indiana. They left Wisconsin on October 28. Do you see another adult whooping crane in the photo at the far right? (It's the elusive #107!) How do you know which is the whooping crane adult? Chicks?

Photo Dan Kaiser, 12 November

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: Click to see this Nov. 10 photo of the first family in Wisconsin SNOW. Why do you think they are still in Wisconsin? How many southward migrations have the parents, #211 and #217, already made? (HINT: What year were they hatched? That was their first migration, when they followed the ultralight planes to learn the route.)
NOTE: By the end of last week, 25 eastern flock whooping cranes had begun migration. Locations then were: Illinois (6), Indiana (6), Florida (3), and undetermined (10). In Wisconsin, 39-40 whoopers remained, and one in Michigan. Did you adopt a crane last year and wonder where it is now? The latest information will be on every crane's life story page.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). Copyright 2006 Journey North. All Rights Reserved.
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