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A Needed Rest (+0 Miles)
November 23, 2006: Migration Day 50

Just north of the daunting Cumberland Ridge, the team is standing down. Today's test flight found 30-knot winds at elevation 3,000 feet, which is the altitude they must attain in order to cross the ridge. Those winds would have meant high risk and danger.

The team probably appreciates a day to recover from yesterday's rough flight before meeting tomorrow's challenge. "The Cumberland Plateau and Brady Mountain have always tested us," said Joe. Come back tomorrow to hear about this year's adventure with "the Beast."

A day off for the crane-kids.
Photo Operation Migration

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: Read the details of yesterday's flight and list some things the pilots might be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day 2006. (The landowner with whom they’re staying invited the whole team to his Thanksgiving dinner. He made then feel right at home.)
  • Migration Math: How fast are 30-knot winds? To change knots to statue miles per hour, multiply knots X 1.151.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). Copyright 2006 Journey North. All Rights Reserved.
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