Whooping Crane  Migration

South Winds Block Progress (+0 Miles)
November 26, 2006: Migration Day 53

Today is the 4th day of waiting to cross Cumberland Ridge. The wind was blowing from the south at 22 knots this morning at flight altitude, so it was not safe to try the crossing. A Whooping Crane hotline is one way the team shares daily news.

  • Listen to Joe Duff of Operation Migration who called in this morning from the field. >>

Image: NASA's World Wind

In the Classroom

  • Draw a profile of the problem: Listen carefully to today's report from Joe Duff. Then draw a picture of the team's dilemma: Cumberland Ridge is ___ feet high. The wind is blowing from the south at 22 knots at ___ feet. (For extra credit, find out how high the cranes and planes normally fly, and add that fact to your drawing.)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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