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Turn Off the Fog Machine! (+33 Miles)
December 15, 2006: Migration Day 72

Whew. They're finally gone from Terrell County, GA. Joe, today's lead pilot, reported a good tailwind, but a HUGE fog bank en route. The team landed in a peanut field to wait out the fog. They took off later but it was still foggy and humid and rough. They flew just to the closest stopover site: Worth County. The heat and humidity was too much for crane #613, who landed and finished the trip in a box in Charlie's tracking van. Georgia seems to refuse to let go of the cranes and crew so they can enter the long-anticipated state of Florida.

In the Classroom

  • Map the Migration: Use our map or make your own with this migration data.
  • Migration Math: Ten days ago, the new flock's 65 whoopers were in Illinois (6), Indiana (18), Michigan (1), Tennessee (1), Florida (18) and undetermined (21). Then on Dec. 7, an arctic air mass moved into the northern and central part of the new flock's migration route bringing excellent migration conditions. Here's where they are now: Indiana (3), Tennessee (5), Alabama (3), South Carolina (3), Florida (37, including 1 at an unknown location), and undetermined (14).

(a) How many more have reached Florida?
(b-for-Bonus) How many cranes total are in the new flock today?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). Copyright 2006 Journey North. All Rights Reserved.
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