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Amelia and Colton pose with the mache cranes they created. Amelia's bird is 614; Colton's is 602. They're ready for Florida fun!

Mrs. Black's Party Press Release

Date: December 10, 2006
From: Margaret Black -- Harriett Todd P.S.
Location: Orillia, Ontario, CANADA!

Chief Operations Officer Liz Condie, of Operation Migration, isn't the only one preparing for the cranes' arrival in Dunnellon, Florida. Preparations are in full swing up in Canada, as well. Due to scheduling constraints, our class party has to be held on either a Monday or a Friday. We are predicting that the cranes will probably hit Dunellon in time for a party this coming Friday! (You can view details of our party preparations.)

At our party, the Principal of Harriett Todd P.S. will be presenting "winner medals" to each of the eighteen paper mache cranes we made, to represent the members of the actual flock. Each of the students in my class will also receive a winner medal from the principal. Then, I will be presenting Liz Condie, of Operation Migration, with the "Hardest Working Woman in Migration" medal, Chris Danilko, of Operation Migration, with the "Jack of all Trades/Juggler Extraordinaire" medal and the Operation Migration Field Team with the "Patience and Perseverance" medal. Paper mache crane #602 will accept Operation Migration's medals, on their behalf. Last, but definitely not least, students Amy and Tallon will present Jane Duden, of Journey North, with the "Whooping Crane Central Journalist of the Year" medal. I will accept Jane's medal, on her behalf.

The kids and I will try to phone Chris, Liz and Jane from the party. If they aren't available, we will just hoot and holler, into their answering machines, and then hang up!

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). Copyright 2006 Journey North. All Rights Reserved.
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