See Cranes Depart LaSalle County for Livingston County!

The location for the departure flyover viewing opportunity for the flight from LaSalle to Livingston County, IL is at the junction of East Si Johnson Avenue and East Pleasant Street in the town of Sheridan, Illinois. Use this link to see the LaSalle flyover viewing spot identified on Google Maps.

Suggestion: Use MapQuest or GoogleMaps to come up with driving directions to it from your home location. Operation Migration asks you to

  • please park your vehicles well off the road and be respectful of private property,
  • be on site by sunrise (approximately 6:50AM), and
  • dress warmly.

Liz Condie reminds everyone "You could make the trip for naught if conditions are such that the cranes and planes are unable to fly. Assuming we can fly, there will be a crew member at the viewing site to meet and chat with those gathered, as well as offer those interested an opportunity to purchase some OM Gear."