Average Age of Youngest Ultralight-led Chicks at Departure

How old was this year's youngest bird at departure? And how can you calculate an average age of the youngest birds at departure? Add up the number of days between the hatch-date of the youngest bird from every year and the date of migration departure for that same season. We've done all but the Class of 2009. Try it!

  • What is the overall average age for youngest birds at departure?
  • How might this affect the performance of the group when they leave on migration? What other factors might affect their performance at the beginning of migration? Check answers

Latest Hatch Date

Departure Date Age of Youngest At Departure
2008 June 15 Oct. 17 124 days
2007 June 10 Oct. 13 125 days
2006 May 31 Oct. 5 127 days
2005 June 3 Oct. 14 133 days
2004 June 5 Oct. 10 127 days
2003 May 23 Oct. 16 146 days
2002 May 21 Oct. 13 145 days
2001 May 24 Oct. 17 146 days
Average Age of Youngest For ALL Seasons at Departure


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).