Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

September 5, 2001

Both Cohorts Now at Same Site

Photo Operation Migration


Until today, the five older whooping cranes and the five younger ones were kept at separate sites. This kept the younger ones from being picked on by the older ones. (See our lesson on Pecking Order.) But today another big step in their training occurred when pilot Deke Clark led the five older birds to their new home. Now all ten birds are at one site! From two separate pens, they'll gradually come together into one cohesive flock after they've had some time to get used to one another.

The transferred birds will have a new night pen, and the move to new surroundings teaches them an important concept needed for migration: It's natural to move from one place to another.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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