Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

September 7, 2001

Two High Fives!

Photo Jim Carpenter, Wild Birds Unlimited


The five birds in the youngest cohort are now up to 4 minutes in the air, and the five older birds are up to almost 6! Both cohorts are at the same site now, but still training separately until they are flying for the same length of time. Then the cohorts will be brought carefully together. It is an exciting time!

The young cranes appear to be excited, too. At Necedah, Jennifer Rabuck says, "All the birds exit their pens with great commotion: jumping, flapping and overall excitement." She tells us, "The birds are nearly full grown. Their white plumage is very visible against the surrounding marsh although they still look like they've rolled in a mud puddle! [The young birds still have some of their rust-colored feathers.] Black wings tips show while they fly, and all birds have the grace of adults."

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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