Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

September 11, 2002
Trying to Catch Up


Two Cranes Flying in Fog.
Photo Joe Duff for WCEP

From Operation Migration (OM) headquarters in Canada, Heather Ray gives us today's news: "OM pilots have been concentrating their efforts on the younger group of 10 cranes located at site 4. Since they fledged later than the older group did, they are somewhat behind and need to catch up. Pilot Richard van Heuvelen reports that today the site 4 birds all managed to follow his aircraft for two separate flights of about 3-1/2 minutes. They took a short break between flights and a few of them even found that 'sweet spot' of beneficial air that rolls off the wing of the trike, allowing the birds to simply extend their large wings and 'ride the wave.' As soon as the training at site 4 was completed, the crew set off to work the 7 older birds at site two. This older group also followed on two separate flights, but they flew for 7 minutes with a short 2 - 3 minute break between each trip."

Try This! Journaling Question
  • These two groups cannot be merged into one unified flock for migration until they are both flying for about the same length of time. With the hoped-for departure only 25 days away, do you wonder if the date may need to change? What's your prediction?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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