Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

September 24, 2002
Some New Details

Observation Tower, Necedah NWR

Your whooping crane writer, Jane, was at the Necedah Whooping Crane Festival on September 21 and took these photos. The young whoopers' morning training flights are visible from the observation tower (photo at right) on the Refuge. Anyone on the Refuge at dawn can climb the tower to watch the colts and trikes in training.

Thanks a visit with Team members Joe, Kelly, Dan, Brian, Richard, Heather and others, the Journey North chart for this year's flock now has more fun details about the birds. Check it out and meet the flock:

Meet the Eastern Flock, Hatch Year (HY) 2002

Lara, Kelly, Richard, Dan, Mark having fun at the Crane Festival

Try This! Journaling Question
  • Using the chart, we asked you earlier to calculate the age range of this year's flock. What evidence of age differences, if any, can you see in the comments about personality?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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