Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 6, 2003

Getting Ready
Sara, Joe, Brian and Richard prepare to head out on a training flight. Photo Heather Ray, WCEP Below, the travel enclosure walls for the cranes' overnight stops is ready on the trailer.

Just two days until Target Date and take-off, weather permitting! Can you feel the excitement? The good news is: Today is sunny in the Midwest, with promises of above-average temperatures and good weather the next few days! Pilot and Project Leader Joe Duff has just driven OM's brand new truck from Toronto to the reintroduction site at Necedah NWR; Heather will arrive at Necedah from the Canadian headquarters today to accompany the migration. All pilots and ground crew are on site. So far, $75,725.80 has been raised, which represents 1/3 of the total migration route from Wisconsin to Florida. (How many miles is that?) This year's migration entourage is nearly ready to go: 11 humans, 16 cranes, 7 ground vehicles and 4 ultralights.

Now it's YOUR turn to get ready. In our October 2 Highlight, you learned how the plane will be able to aid the birds during flight. In the October 1 Highlight, you did some calculation to realize approximate costs of this migration. In The September 29 Highlight, you studied how cranes fly. And in the September 24 Highlight, you got acquainted with the dials in the ultralight. Now, download and print your own record sheet so you can compare this year's migration with years 2001 and 2002:

The ground support team will drive almost 1700 miles on the migration, compared to the 1200+ flight miles being flown by the birds and planes. How many days will it take? We'll soon find out!

Try This! Journaling Question

  • List at least three changes that were made in the procedures for this year's training and migration. (Hint: Review the Highlights from April 21, May 23, and August 27 for starters.) Tell your opinion of each change, and why you think it was a good change or not.


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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