Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 10, 2002
Migration Target Date

Rainy Target Date: No Go


Fog, rain and wind at Necedah National Wildlife Refuge halted the migration plans for today. As you know, the target date means the crew is ready and they just wait for the right weather. Seventeen birds, three lead/chase ultralights, one scout ultralight and one top cover Cessna plane are still on the ground. Earlier this week, Heather said "It's getting cold here and it is definitely time to fly south!"

Think about how this year's migration might be like and different from last year's. Use this handy chart to help you keep track and compare as the migration unfolds.

Try This! Journaling Question

  • What do you think the Whooping cranes do on a rainy, windy day?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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