Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 11, 2001

Countdown to Departure

Do you see the electric fence around the portable night pen?

The birds are flying well, gaining endurance rapidly with the cooling weather. With only a few days left, everyone is busy getting ready for the migration. The ground crew will travel with a special Operation Migration trailer, filled with equipment. They'll also pull a brand new, custom-built camouflaged trailer holding the portable night pens. These pens will keep the birds safe at night during the migration. The portable pen was set up at site 2 for a time so the birds could go in and get used to it before migration begins. The pen comes apart in panels and stacks in the trailer. Look at the photo and you'll see the electric fence around it. Food for the birds and the equipment for operating the electric fence each night also travels with the ground crew.


Hear Jennifer tell about the dangers to cranes, and keeping the birds safe at night.

Ultralight & equipment transport truck for the migration

Audio Clip
(.wma file, 1754K)
(.wav and .aif files coming 10/12)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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