Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 14, 2003
Migration Target Day + 6

Almost But Not Quite
Taken October 13, 2003, by Heather Ray, Operation Migration at the Necedah NWR: Adults #102, 205, 208, 216 & 217. Two are standing too close together to tell apart easily. Can you see the Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese with them?

This morning was cool and overcast at the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, with northwest winds. Perfect? Almost. Unfortunately, the winds were 10-20 miles per hour, just too strong and unstable for inexperienced birds to flap behind the ultralight.

Although older birds may be starting to feel migratory restlessness, they're not on the move yet, either. Heather noted yesterday, "None of the experienced birds have begun migration yet. In fact I just returned from viewing five of the at the north end of the refuge." She took a photo of the five. Looking at the numbers, how many of these cranes are two years old? How many are one year olds?

Try This! Journaling Questions
  • Birds that followed the ultralight last year will migrate on their own this year. How will this year's flight be different from their flight last year? Do you think the two-year-old birds will have learned some special tricks that will help them? Will some of the one-year-olds migrate with some of the two-year-olds? What advantages will the one-year-olds have if they migrate entirely on their own? What advantages will they have if they stick with older birds?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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