Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 17, 2001
Day 1

GONE SOUTH! Migration Begins

They're off! 10/17/01

At 7:15 a.m. today, eight whooping cranes led by ultralights had a picture-perfect departure on their first migration from their summer home! The morning was frosty, clear and cool (25 degres F), with very light winds from the NW. The tiny flock of special birds flew for 29.3 miles before stopping at 7:59 in a secluded location in Adams County, WI. They've completed the first leg into the 1250-mile migration.

Are you wondering why only eight birds took off? The reluctant #4 did indeed join the flock, but after the death of one bird on September 11, that still leaves the count off one bird. The answer? Number 9, the bird with the malformed flight feathers, will not be making the migration. What might happen to this crane? Before you read on, write your response in your journal. Then see a close-up photo of #9 in her first encounter with a human NOT in costume, and read the story here.

Map the Migration

You can make your own map using the latest migration data.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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