Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

October 29, 2001
Day 13

Moving Out at Mid-day! On to Kankakee County, IL

The migration news this morning was: "standing down in LaSalle County, IL" for the second day due to winds out of the south, which means blowing toward the north--the wrong direction for the cranes' flight. The crew was waiting for the weather system to pass--and this time it was quick! The wind calmed long enough for the crew to make a hasty take-off from LaSalle County at l:08 p.m. After flying 61.6 miles in one hour, 46 minutes, they are now at the last stop in Illinois: Kankakee County, Illinois. It was 54 degrees F and sunny.

It's unusual to fly at mid-day, but the crew takes any good-luck weather breaks whenever they can get them. At Operation Migration headquarters in Toronto, Heather Ray reminds us of the password for this migration: "Repeat after me: F L E X I B L E!" Heather also told Journey North that Crane #4, the independent thinker, arrived at stop 5 "via his limo." The crew will fly #4 with the flock again when they're over more flat, open landscape. That way, he's easier to track if he decides to drop out again.

Map the Migration
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migration data

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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