Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

November 4, 2004
Migration Day 26

Rain and Fog Keep Them in Kankakee County

Can you guess this important equipment? (See answer tomorrow.)
Photo Wayne Kryduba

Yes, again. The weather is holding them back another day in the final stopover site in Illinois. When will they reach Indiana? When will they reach Florida? Of the 26 travel days, what fraction or percentage have been no-fly days?


Map the Migration
Make your own map using the latest migration data

Try This! Journaling Question
  • This tiny flock's cousins (in the Western flock, see map) aren't limited to early morning weather conditions like the ultralights are. These wild birds can wait till noon or later each day before they decide to fly or not. A week ago, 16 cranes were counted on Aransas NWR. The next major front was forecast to reach the Texas coast on November 1st. Why does an approaching weather front mean more whoopers arriving? For help in answering this question, see our Weather Primer.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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