
Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

November 7, 2001
Day 22

Cranes Reach Kentucky

Hear Dan Sprague's Audio Clip.
Photo OM

It's a sunny day with no wind, and six birds flew a whopping 91.2 miles! They were able to skip a stop near Louisville, KY and head to the next location; stop 9 is in Washington County, KY. Today's flying time was 2 hours and 2 minutes. The cranes have shown they can fly about 100 miles a day. This means they can make up for time lost due to weather delays!

What happens when the pilots bring the cranes down at each designated stop? The ground crew can't travel as fast as the birds, so there's no pen set up yet. The pilots walk the birds to a secluded area where they can relax and forage and remain out of sight when the ground crew arrives and goes to work. Read more here. Dan Sprague tells us about ground crew duties:

Audio Clip
What does the ground crew do each day the birds fly?
(.wav format, 363 K / .aif format, 400 K)

Try This! Journaling Questions
  • What is the total distance the birds have covered in the migration so far? How many miles to go?
  • Why must the pilots keep the cranes from seeing the ground crew as they arrive and set up the pen?

Map the Migration
Make your own map using the latest
migration data

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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