Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

November 11, 2004
Migration Day 33

Rain Rain Go Away
All kinds of migrating cranes! Photo OM

It's a rainy day in Jennings County, Indiana, stranding the cranes there for the third day. With thunderstorms expected later, hopes of entering Kentucky today are gone,

If it's a dull day for the OM team, members of the WCEP Tracking Team from the International Crane Foundation and their volunteer pilots are keeping busy! As of late yesterday, the 17 older and experienced wild ultra-cranes from past project years, as well as youngster #418, are mostly all farther south than this year's chicks with the OM team. The 6-month old juvenile, #418 (who had most of his primary, or flight feathers removed in late August due to improper growth) has had quite an adventure after departing from the Necedah NWR in central Wisconsin in the company of yearling #307. You can keep up with the life stories of all the "ultra-cranes"
by visiting these pages:

Map the Migration
Make your own map using the latest migration data

Try This! Journaling Question
  • Four years ago today, the "dress rehearsal" for this migration experiment ended successfully when a flock of non-endangered Sandhill cranes led by ultralights reached Florida. Read about Operation Migration 2000 and list ways this 2004 migration is the same and different.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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