Whooping Crane Whooping Crane

December 9, 2004
Migration Day 61

Still Holding: Too Warm and Windy
Photo OM

The suspense is mounting. When will the cranes make their final flight? The weather delays may mean another change in plans. Rain is expected tomorrow. Many people are gathered and waiting for word to show up for a rare chance to see these cranes. Stay tuned for the latest word from Crystal River, Florida, where your Journey South writer is waiting with the Operation Migration team for the big day.

Meanwhile, the crane-kids new home is being readied. Workers have built a pen within the large enclosure: a pen within a pen. Why? The flock has grown to 34 adults ("white" birds). These guy will be returning to check out "their" pen—and maybe stay to eat the free food at the feeders there for this year's chicks. Cranes are territorial birds, and the dominant birds could drive off, or even harm, the younger birds at the feeders. A pen within the pen is the answer for now. Later, the white birds are likely to move off to other areas on or near the refuge. Then the crane colts will be more likely to get their fill at the feeders placed there to help them through their first winter as wild cranes.


Map the Migration
Make your own map using the latest migration data

Try This! Journaling Questions
  • If feeders with "crane chow" are in the enclosure now, how do you think the cranes will come to be truly wild? (See "winter lessons" on our Resources page to help you think about possible answers.)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the

Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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