What's Good About Trees
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How many things did you think of? In the daytime, when not out flying, eagles roost, or perch in trees. Their keen eyesight helps them spot their prey from a branch high up in a tree. At night eagles sleep, or roost in trees. They look for trees that can offer protection from the chilly night-time winds.

Critical Habitat for Roosting Eagles
Do you see the sunlit snow field behind the trees in this picture? This area used to be thick with mature pines, like on the left edge of the picture. Two dozen mature white pines were cut down so the owner can build on this land.
Even though some trees were left standing along the river's edge, there is no longer the windbreak, or thermal protection, that made the site attractive to overnighting eagles. This site has now lost most of its value as a night roost for eagles.
(Roll your mouse over the picture to learn more.)

what this means for eagles
Photo: Chris Martin