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Your Global Address
Calculating Your Own Latitude and Longitude


When you send a report to Journey North, please include the latitude and longitude of your sighting. If you donÕt already know how, here's an activity for your class.


Locate the place the sighting occured on a map. The map must include latitude and longitude lines and should be as large as possible. Have students follow the steps on the Global Address Student Worksheet below (Note: This worksheet applies only to locations west of the prime meridian and north of the equator. This can be used to find the global address of any location in that region.)

Global Address Student Worksheet

Global Latitude

  • A. Find the place your sighting occured on a map. Between which two latitudes is it located? (A) _____and_____
  • B. How many degrees are between the two latitude lines you wrote down on line A? (B) _____
  • C. Measure the distance in centimeters between the two latitude lines on line A, and write down that distance in centimeters. (C) _____cm
  • D. Calculate the number of centimeters per degree latitude on this map. To do this, divide centimeters____ [line C] by degrees_____ [line B ].Place the answer here: (D) _____cm
  • E. Measure the distance of the location from the southern latitude line in centimeters, and put the answer here: (E) _____cm
  • F. Divide the cm measurement on line E by the cm per degree figure calculated on line D, and put the answer here: (F) _____
  • G. Add line F to the southern latitude line from line A (G) _____(line F) and write the answer here: + _____(line A) This is the global latitude for your sighting: (put your answer in decimal form!)

Global Longitude

  • H. Find the place your sighting occured on a map. Between which two longitude lines is it located ? (H) _____and _____
  • I. How many degrees are between the two longitude lines you wrote down on line H? (I) _____
  • J. Measure the distance in centimeters between the two longitude lines on line H, and write down that distance in centimeters. (J) _____cm
  • K. Calculate the number of centimeters per degree longitude on this map. To do this, divide centimeters_____ [line J] by degrees_____ [line I]. Place the answer here: (K) _____cm
  • L.. Measure the distance of the location from the eastern longitude line in centimeters, and put the answer here: (L) _____cm
  • M. Divide the cm measurement on line L by the cm per degree figure calculated on line K, and put the answer here: (M) _____
  • N. Add line M to the eastern longitude line from line H (N) _____(line M) and write the answer here: + _____(line H)
  • This is the global longitude address for your sighting (put your answer in decimal form!)

The full global address for your city is: ______ N latitude, _______W longitude.

Remember you must use decimal form. For example, the global adress of Buffalo, NY is written: 78.85N, 42.91W. To enter this in the Journey North database we assume "N" and "W",for latitude and longitude, so 78.85 and 42.91 would be entered.

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