News from Observation Post #15
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

April 26: First confirmed sighting: A mother with new calf! They were observed by long-time local guide Pete Schulze. The pair were crossing the mouth of Hot Springs Cove, and it was clear one spout was much, much smaller than the other. About halfway across the cove, the baby breached several times, as if to annouce its presence!

We will all watch for the paired spouts of moms and calves hugging the coastline for the next few weeks.

Feb. 20, 2009: The great migration has arrived off Vancouver Island! Guide and driver Don Travers observed three gray whales while cruising off Long Beach on Friday, February 20th. Don watched while the whales surfaced several times, and confirms the animals were consistently traveling north. This observation comes only three days after Depoe Bay, OR reported two northbound gray whales.

Vancouver Island, British Columbia
(49.15N, -129.67W)

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