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January 20, 2013: Gray Whale Megapod Sighting
Observation Post #6: Point Vicente, Los Angeles, California, USA

"We estimate that there were at least 23 gray whales in this sighting. The largest gray whale pod that our census has seen was an estimated 18 whales (5 years ago). I'm still checking to see if any larger pods have been documented in California." —Alisa Schulman-Janiger

Megapod of gray whales seen Jan. 20, 2013 by Los Angeles
These whales traveled about 75 miles in 18 hours! How do we know? Fluke photos taken by Alisa Schulman-Janiger confirm that many in the gray whale megapod on January 20, 2013, match gray whales seen in the San Diego megapod the next day (January 21). Alisa adds: "Our megapod sighting occurred around 5pm—shortly before sunset, which turned the blows a magical pink color and made it VERY challenging to get good ID photos!"

Fluke photos can help identify individual whales in the megapod.

Gray whale megapod sighting Jan. 20, 2013 by Los Angeles