Back to Field Notes, Post #7

Acknowledgements and Thanks by Gray Whales Count
Observation Post #7: Golata, California, USA

Almost every day we get thanked for our work — for paying attention — by passersby who stroll along the bluff above the ocean. We, in turn, would like to thank all those who are paying attention to our work on that same bluff-top, those who may see what we see, and those who visit our website and keep up with our Count.

For us, it is all about caring and paying attention.

Scientists in Namibia in early May were paying attention when they recorded the first documented sighting of a Gray whale south of the equator, in the south Atlantic Ocean. Is this truly the first southern hemisphere Gray whale? Or has this occurred and it was not realized? We are in a different age when people who care are able to make instant queries and communicate from and to anywhere. We are also on a planet with changing environments. That humankind is becoming aware of the depth and breadth of some of these changes is a good thing. In the meantime, we do not yet know why Gray whales are appearing in vastly different places from what we expect, and we do not now know how Gray whale mothers are finding ways to work around the harsh weather events punctuating the changes in their environment to give birth to the calves that we count along our coast.

We are fortunate to work with and collaborate with people who care enough to consider these questions and how they affect us; people who consider Gray whales us.

At Gray Whales Count:
The Counters, who volunteer time, passion, skill, and who demonstrate their caring every day!
Danni Scott, Operations Manager
Andy Frederick, Research Assistant
Carol Rae, Education
Chris Seaton, Payroll and Bookkeeping

Board of Directors
Robert Copper
Michael Smith
Michael Thomas
Mary Toothman

Our collaborators:
Coal Oil Point Reserve, UCSB
Cris Sandoval

Cascadia Research
John Calambokidis

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
John Hildebrand
Sean Wiggins
Lauren Roche

NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Wayne Perryman
Dave Weller
John Durban

Journey North
Jane Duden

Our foundation of support:
Resources Legacy Foundation Fund
Orange County Community Foundation
Pacific Life Foundation
Associated Student, UCSB, Coastal Fund

Counter Support + Community, Organization Support:
Scott Savidge - FLIR Corporation
Stan Roberts - United Launch Alliance
Captains and Crew of Condor and Condor Express
Christine Ryerson - James Ryerson Environmental Foundation - Santa Barbara Foundation

We could not have done our work without the loan of a world-class spotting scope by Tony Urwick of Santa Barbara

Thank you all; you truly care!

—Michael H. Smith, Director, Gray Whales Count

Photo: Michael H. Smith