Use these sentence starters
to help students describe patterns, make predictions, find comparisons,
share discoveries, formulate hypotheses, and ask questions
- I noticed a pattern when I looked at the data. The pattern is...
- I see a pattern in the migration data collected so far. My graph shows....
- Based on the patterns I see in the data collected so far, I predict that...
- By next month, I expect to see the data reveal...
- I predict that the turn-around date will be...
- My prediction for this year's peak migration is...
- When I compared whale counts from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, I noticed that...
- When I compared this year's data with last year's counts, I noticed that...
- There are similarities [or differences] between...
Surprises and Discoveries:
- I discovered that...
- I was surprised by...
- I noticed something unusual about...
Hypotheses: (Possible Reasons for Data)
- A possible explanation for what the data showed this week is...
- A factor that affected this week's data might have been...
- I think this week's data was affected by...
- I wonder why...
- I wonder how...
- How are gray whales affected by...
- How will the migration change if...