
March 25: First Northbound Babies!
Volunteer counters at two California point-count sites eagerly await the first babies of the season. The first (and only, to date) cow/calf pair was reported March 7 at ACS/LA. The first at Gray Whales Count was seen March 24, followed by three pairs—and a babysitting gig—the next day!

"Momma spyhopped but then slipped away for almost an hour while her calf mugged us, rolled in the kelp, and had a wonderful time. We went from utter excitement to worry as we wondered if mom was coming back. She did, and blasted some bubbles as she swam off with her calf in tow ... an extraordinary event for us!" —Michael H. Smith, Director, Gray Whales Count

Photo: Michael H. Smith

Baby gray whale on first journey north