Big As Life: Our Gray Whale Poster
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Researching BIG
Our class got the idea for a fun project when we read a book called Adelina’s Whales. We wanted to find out how big a gray whale really is. We searched the Internet for information. One fact we learned is that a whale’s eye is as big as a basketball. Now I know how big a gray really is. I had a lot of fun! —Anna

Drawing BIG
Our poster includes drawings and facts. It was so long we had to work in the hallway. We had lots of space to fill with facts.

Showcasing BIG
We displayed our poster on the wall outside our Learning Center. My favorite thing about the gray whale project was to learn all the facts. We colored the different ages and sizes of the gray whale.  —Annette

Learning BIG
Here's Kaityln showing her gray whale research.

Celebrating BIG
Making the gray whale project was a blast! We learned a lot. The best part was hanging it up to see all of the hard work we did. We think the reason that we were so inspired to do this project is because whales have such a fascinating life. —Zach and Tyler

Thinking BIG
We thought it would be fun to make something that would show just how big gray whales are. Then we filled it with interesting facts we found. To start things off we discovered that instead of teeth, this whale has baleen, which is like streaks of yellow plates. Isn’t that cool? Did you know that in the 1800s people almost hunted the gray whales to extinction?  If you are five feet tall a whale is nine times bigger than you! —Dylan, Tym, and Hunter

Discovering BIG
Our poster includes as many life-size diagrams as possible. The students were reading, writing, using math, and studying maps to complete the project. Here's their video greeting. See them wave to you! The poster was a great way for kids to make whale discoveries big as life! —Ms. Flanagan


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