Spring's Here!
Sunlight and the Migration

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Grades: 3+


* Handout: Chains of Connections
* Teacher Examples
* Hummingbird Journal

Teacher/Student Background:
* About the Spring Equinox

Lesson Focus: How do sunlight-driven seasonal changes influence hummingbirds' habitat and their northern migration? Students will . . .

  • Observe and think about what happens to sunlight in North America each spring.
  • Begin to think about the cause-and-effect relationships that drive spring events and allow migrating hummingbirds to meet their basic needs.
  • Understand that these changes are all triggered by longer hours of more intense sunlight.

Think Questions: Have students respond to the "Think" questions in their journals or use the Chains of Connections handout to spark thinking. You can do this as a class or independently. The teacher examples page offers ideas to help you prompt thinking and discussion.

Migration Journal cover & pages >>
Handout: Chains of Connections
Student page: word / pdf

Teacher example page >>