
Comparing Migrations
Why Do Rufous Hummingbirds Seem Far Ahead?

It seems to be a normal year for timing of the migrations. So why do Rufous hummers move north so much sooner than Ruby-throats do?

Photo: Deborah Repasz

First, let's explore what's different about Rufous hummingbird bodies.

  • Rufous hummingbirds are naturally cold hardy. They typically overwinter in cooler areas than Ruby-throats do. They often hatch in cold mountainous areas and spend nights where the temperatures are often near freezing. Ruby-throats, which overwinter farther south in warmer climates, are not well adapted to cold temperatures.

  • Both species can enter a state of "torpor" in cold weather, but Rufous hummers do it more regularly. Their body temperature lowers, slowing down their breathing and heart rates. In this way, they conserve energy, which fuels migration.

But that's only part of the story! >>