Our Hummingbird Species
Which is Which?
this slideshow, students
learn about the two hummingbird species tracked by Journey North. Students
build observation skills by describing and drawing each species. Because
each species is found in a different range, students will study the
range map* showing both. During the season, students will have a chance
to compare and learn more about each species and its fantastic migration.
Note: Range maps show the majority of a population, but not the individual
vagrants ("strays") that some of you see and report. Also,
more and more rufous hummingbirds are being reported out of the map
range. This makes it even more important for student citizen scientists
to get in the habit of looking closely at field marks, as other scientists
Teaching Opportunities with this Slideshow
Writing Skills: Field Guide
Ask students to help make a new field guide for Journey
North bird watchers. In their Hummingbird Journals have them write
a short paragraph that compares and contrasts the two species.
Compare and Contrast: Venn Diagram
Create a Venn diagram to show how rufous and ruby-throated
hummingbirds are alike and different. Students can do more research
by browsing our Expert's Answers
to hummingbird questions.
These Distribution Map Questions
species migrates farther north?
do the two species overlap?
is the latitude of each species' wintering area?
species do you think will arrive on its breeding grounds first?
questions do you have after looking at the map?
(Note: If you live in the West, you might see a number of other hummingbird
species. See Mike Patterson's tips to help you know which hummer you're
viewing: Are
you really seeing a Rufous?)