The Sun's Yearly Cycle
Observing Sunlight Over 12 Months: Questions

As you click through the slide show showing changes in sunlight every month, respond to these questions about specific slides.

Month 2: How did the light change? What questions do you have? What do you think will happen next?


Month 3: Do you think the Northern Hemisphere gets more or fewer hours of sunlight now than it did last month? How about the Southern Hemisphere. Explain your thinking.


Month 4: In which season or month do you think this picture was taken? Why?


Month 5: What change did you notice? Explain how this helps you pinpoint when the last picture was taken?


Month 8: Do you think the Northern Hemisphere will have more or fewer hours of daylight next month? Explain your thinking.


Month 10: What season do you think it is in the Northern Hemisphere? In the Southern Hemisphere? Explain your thinking.


Back to Month 1: We've gone through a whole year and are back to where we started!

  • List what you learned about the yearly relationship of earth and the sun. What can you infer about the seasons?
  • What did you already know that helped you explain what you saw?
  • What questions do you have?


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