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Observations from Citizen Scientists in Texas

03/24/09 San Angelo, TX (31 N, -100 W)
I saw 2 Monarchs in my yard. They were large and colorful as they flew among the spring flowers.It was a joy to see them.

03/23/09 Fort Worth, TX (33 N, -97 W)
The kids at East Forth Worth Montessori have spotted several adult monarchs flying around our garden today.

03/23/09 Pilot Point TX (33 N, -96 W)
Heavy south winds at 7:00 p.m. I saw first Monarch of the season trying to land in our ash tree for an overnight roost. He would be blown back but would skillfully dive low and then up again once behind the tree cover.

03/23/09 Eagle Pass TX (28 N, -100 W)
One slightly faded male headed due east at a goodly clip across my back yard. One week later than sightings last year.

03/21/09 Clyde TX (32 N, -100 W)
The monarchs began coming through on Saturday! I saw 6 throughout the day! it was beautiful!

03/21/09 Yoakum County TX (33 N, -103 W)
I saw one monarch while watching today for 3.5 hours in Yoakum County.

03/20/09 San Antonio TX (30 N, -99 W)
I have seen two monarchs in my yard in the last several days.

03/20/09 Taylor TX 30.5812 -97.5128
We were visiting Friday in Taylor ,TX and saw 5-6 Monarchs in the afternoon.

03/20/09 Arlington TX (33 N, -97 W)
One seen on 20th flying through suburban property. Two more on 21st. We never seem to get the large numbers, but it's always a treat to see those that we do.

03/20/09 Glen Rose TX (32 N, -98 W)
One monarch feeding at road side flowers, working south against the wind.