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Planting a Journey North Garden at the Albany Visitor's Center
Albany, NY

Students from two 5th grade classes at School #20 (570 N. Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12209) were delighted to plant an official Journey North garden with over 300 Red Emperor bulbs on Monday, October 28, 2002.
Albany has been connected to the Dutch/Netherlands since Henry Hudson sailed up the river to this area in 1609. Each year the city celebrates their history with a Tulip Festival. This year studentsand others visiting the center will learn all about the history of Albany and will now be able to enjoy the Journey North garden, too.

Take a look at their planting day!

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The tulip planting site at the Albany Visitors Center Carol Margolis giving last minute planting instructions A big pile of soil waiting to go back onto the garden Tulip Queen, Jennifer Gould handing out bulbs
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Students setting up the planting grid Planting Planting A full bed of bulbs

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