Try This! Find Fairfield Attention geographic detectives! Here's a challenge for you. Can you find a garden located at 36.37 North latitude and 88.35 West longitude. Let's get started--
Every location on earth has a "global address." This address doesn't use words, it only uses numbers (called coordinates). These numbers tell us where to find a specific location using a grid line system, like the lines on graph paper. When
you place the gridlines on a globe like the Earth they don't look exactly
the same as our example. How are they different? What do we call the
gridlines on a globe? Finding Fairfield Can you locate the Fairfield, IL, tulip garden on the map (36.37, -88.35)? We zoomed in to help you! Grab an atlas to help you identify the major grid lines on our map. Click on the map and try your geography skills. Don't peek until you do the steps outlined below:
to try again?
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