Parts of a Flower
A Botany Lesson

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All flowers are made of the same basic parts. Once you learn the parts of a tulip flower, you'll start seeing all flowers differently. Let's look at a flower's petals, stamens, and stigma. A perfect flower has all of the parts needed to make its seeds.

What Part Am I?
A flower almost always has these parts. Sometimes there are lots of them, and sometimes they are fused together to only a few. In this tulip flower they are a bright red color.

The Petals! What's our function?
Petals are often the most colorful part of a flower. The color acts as a signal to pollinators to come over for a visit.

What Part Am I?
Flowers need these parts to reproduce. It is usually found in the center of the flower.

The Pistil! What's my function?
The pistil is the female part of a flower. It is made up of 3 parts; the stigma, the style, and the ovary. At the top is the sticky stigma. At the bottom is the ovary which holds the eggs. It will swell when the the eggs are fertilized and become seeds. The tube between the stigma and the ovary is called the style.

What Part Am I?
A flower needs these parts to reproduce, too. Often there are the same number of these as there are petals.

The Stamen! What's our function?
The stamens are the male part of a flower. They have 2 parts; the anther and the filament. At the top is the anther. It's loaded with pollen. The tulip pollen on this anther is purple. Can you see the stalk under the anther? It is called the filament. When the pollen is ripe it is carried by the wind or a pollinator, like a bee or a butterfly. When pollen is carried to a sticky stigma it travels down the style and fertilizes the egg.

All Together Now
Now that you've learned the names of the flower parts, use this flower diagram to create your own flower drawing.