Vogelweh, Elementary School Journey North Test Garden
We have been planting tulips at Vogelweh Elementary School since 2004, when I came to this school. - Dr. Donna Henson-Boyers
in garden garden garden
At Vogelweh Elementary School we plant in a huge "VES" pattern on a sloping lawn.  Fifth graders dig the trenches and help the younger children plant their bulbs, and each year there is a wonderful opportunity to see the life cycle as we accidentally unearth clusters of bulbs from previous years - we can actually see how they reproduce, and also how they lose vigor as they get older.

Classes at various grade levels go out regularly all winter to observe and journal, writing observations that we post on the map. When the tulips begin to emerge, we anxiously watch the test plot for the first red bulbs, then as they all emerge, great science lessons occur as students compare - do some colors or types grow taller, bigger, earlier, etc. 

These are some photos of a second grade class that has been making weekly trips to the tulip garden.

Thank you SO MUCH for your rich and rewarding science lessons!  You have made science accessible to every class in my school - at many different levels.  WE LOVE YOU, JOURNEY NORTH!

measure measure
measure We plant our tulips in beds the shape of our school letters, V-E-S.