Journey North News

Bald Eagle Migration Update:
March 18, 1996

"Why hasn't the Eagle migrated yet?", wrote Minnesota student Kara Snow this week. ( )

This is the very question in biologist Peter Nye's mind right now. You see, most of the eagles that winter in New York will migrate north to nest. However, it's possible that our eagle is a New York bird and will not migrate at all! When Peter Nye traps an eagle for his research this is one of the challenges he faces. He's hoping, right along with you, that this bird is one of the migratory eagles not a resident bird.

This time of year New York eagles are beginning to nest. The fact that she doesn't appear to be nesting yet is a good sign. Will she migrate or won't she? Here are Peter Nye's comments:

Dear Students,

"Attached data from 03/13/96. Looks like the exact same place as last one on 03/10/96. Last year's bird left on 03/19/96, one year ago today. So, there is still a good chance. I've had other "way- north" adults leave as late as April 4th. But we never know!"

More later,

Regards, Eagleye Nye

Date Latitude 1/Long 1 OR Latitude 2/Longitude 2

03/10/96 41.670 N, 74.860 W OR 40.593 N, 78.833 W
03/13/96 41.537 N, 74.820 W OR 33.860 N, 27.751 W

Challenge Question # 41

"Why might an eagle that nests far in the north wait longer to migrate."

How to Respond to This Challenge Question:

1. Send an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line write: Challenge Question # 41

3. In the Body of your message, answer the question.

The Next Bald Eagle Migration Update Will be Posted on March 25, 1996

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