Journey North News

Eagle Mystery From Michigan

To: Journey North
From: Ms. Sabotta and Students
Iron River, Michigan

"We claim the title of 'Bald Eagle Capital of Michigan'. We have eagles in our community all year long. Therefore, when we first started talking about migration in my class, my students were a bit confused when the bald eagle was one of the species that was being tracked. I posed the question to the students, 'Why do you think the Eagles do not migrate from our area?'"

The beginning of the Iron River students' answers are provided below as clues. We'll save their full answers until you've had a chance to consider this challenging question:

Challenge Question # 73

"Why don't the eagles in Iron River, Michigan migrate?"

Clue From: Lucas Baumgartner

"Well, it's funny that eagles don't migrate from here, but actually there is a quite logical answer. Eagles don't migrate from here even though the open water freezes. Just because the open water is frozen the Eagles still have another source of food."

Clue From: Jason Edstrom

"The main reason why Bald Eagles do not migrate from here is because food is plentiful even in the winter. Eagles stay around in the winter when the temperatures drop below zero and there is a thick layer of ice over the tops of the lakes. An Eagle's main food is fish and they can't get to the fish when there is ice on the lake. How can they live if they can't get fish?"

Ms. Sabotta and Students
Iron River, Michigan

How to Respond to Challenge Question # 73

1. Address an e-mail message to:

2. In the Subject Line of the message write: Challenge Question #73.

3. In the body of the message, give your school's name and location and answer the question above.

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